
A. Love Is Much Talked About.

1. During this time of year.

2. In the entertainment industry.

B. But What Does It Really Mean To Love Someone?

Body: 1 Corinthians 13: 1 - 3

I. We Must Have Love.

A. Without love, we are just noise makers.

B. Without love, we are empty and meaningless.

C. Without love, we have gained nothing.

II. What Is Love?

A. Love restrains us from ungodly behavior.

1. It is not bothered by someone else's success.
2. It is not showy or full of pride.
3. It is not self centered.

B. Love motivated us toward godly behavior.

1. It puts up with mistakes and difficulties.
2. It is forward looking.
3. It keeps going.

C. Love is oriented toward others' needs.

1. Love modifies my behavior for the needs of others.
2. Love puts others' needs before my own.
3. Love makes us more like God.
a. He has compassion on our sinfulness and hard hearts.
b. He puts up with a lot of garbage from us.
c. He continues to bless us no matter what.

III. Why Love?

A. Miraculous works come to an end.

B. Love is the fulfillment of our full potential.

C. Love continues.


A. Without Love, You Are Missing So Much!

B. Are You Living A Loving Life?

1. Concerned about others.

2. Reaching out with a godly, helping hand.

3. Being a Christian (not just acting like one).