
A. We Have Been Blessed.

1. These blessings are from God.

2. They include a heavenly inheritance and great salvation.

3. We are now His people.

B. We Are To Respond.

1. By preparing ourselves for service.

2. By turning to God's word.

3. By acting like His people.

Body: 1 Peter 2: 18 - 25

I. Submit to Your Masters.

A. Brief reminder.

1. This section started with submission to government.
2. Now moves to employers.

B. How are we to act?

1. Submit - place self in subjection to. (At your service)
2. Do so with fear - do you want to be punished?
3. Do so with the good.
4. Do so with the bad.

II. What Is Commendable?

A. Our "Conscience Toward God."

1. It is trained Godward.
2. It responds based upon God's expectations.

B. To This We Are Called.

1. Punishment for mistake is justice.
2. Punishment for good is "a star in our crown."
3. Christ suffered for us.

III. Christ's Example.

A. Without sin and without deceit.

B. Did not talk back abusively (Romans 12: 19- 21: Titus 2: 9, 10).

C. Did not make threats.

D. Placed Himself in God's hands.

E. Became our sacrifice.

F. Became our leader.


A. How Do We Show We Are Christians?

1. By enduring injustice.

2. By enduring persecution.

3. By treating everyone better than ourselves.

B. Are You A Christian?