
A. Have You Ever Wondered What People Will Think Of You When You Are gone?

B. Have You Ever Considered What Your Greatest Attribute Is?

C. Have You Ever Tried To Summarize What It Means To Be A Christian?

Body: 2 John 1: 1 - 6

I. The Truth In Us.

A. It produces love.

1. Love based upon truth is sincere.
2. Love based upon truth is deeper.

B. It lives.

1. The truth grows upon and in us.
2. The truth produces Christian character.

C. It is eternal.

1. It is God’s word.
2. It will always be true.

II. A Pleasing Find.

A. Faithful Christians.

B. Children who have been taught the truth.

1. There is no greater legacy we can leave that to leave our children with a living and abiding love for the truth.
2. There is no greater compliment we can leave our families than to remain faithful to the truth.

III. From The Beginning.

A. No new commandment.

1. He continues to teach the same message.
2. This is the same message he learned from Jesus.

B. Love one another.

1. Care for and be concerned about each other.
2. Do what is best for each other’s Christ-like development.

C. Obedience is love.

1. Our lifestyle is determined by Christ’s commandments.
2. We live as He commands us to live.


A. We Must Remain In The Truth.

B. We Must Love One Another.