
A. A New Year.

1. A whole new beginning - fresh start.

2. A time to look forward and plan.

3. A time to also remember priorities.

B. Christian Resolutions.

Body: 2 Timothy 2: 15

I. Show (Present) Yourself.

A. Must be diligent.

1. In study.
2. In preparation.
3. In living as a Christian.

B. Seek God's Approval.

1. Stand in God's presence.
2. Come before Him for acceptance.

II. Unashamed.

A. Are you working for God?

B. Do your actions prove you love God?

C. Have you really given your life up to Him?

III. Properly.

A. We must be correct.

1. Illustration - diamond cutter (straight, at the right place)
2. We must be familiar with all of the Scriptures.

B. We must earnestly teach.

1. We must verbally tell others.
2. We must tell others by our actions.

C. We must present the truth.

1. We have not shamelessly served the Lord if we have only talked about "worldly things" (i.e. weather, politics, etc.).
2. Must tell them the whole truth.


A. How About You?

1. Are you diligently laboring?

2. Are you presenting yourself to God?

3. Are you unashamed of your life for God?

B. A Call To Commitment.

1. Will you prayerfully consider these commitments?

2. Check the ones to focus on this coming year.

3. Sign and post in a visible well frequented place.