
A. We Have A High Priest.

B. We Have The Perfect High Priest.

Body: Hebrews 5: 1-11

I. Earthly High Priests.

A. Taken from among men.

B. Appointed.

1. He is appointed for men.
2. He is appointed to minister in things pertaining to God.

C. He offers.

1. Gifts to God as a reminder of the Source of what we have.
2. Sacrifices for sin as a reminder of our unworthiness.

D. He is human.

1. He is understanding of the human condition.
2. He is subject to weakness.
3. He had to offer sins for himself.

E. He is called by God.

II. God's High Priest.

A. God called Jesus to be our High Priest.

1. Jesus did not make Himself High Priest.
2. God is the One Who gave Him this position.

B. He is a priest after the order of Melchizedek.

C. During His life.

1. He offered up prayers and supplications.
2. He was heard by God.
a. He was not saved from having to suffer and die.
b. He was saved from being abandoned in the grave forever.

III. Perfected Through Obedience.

A. He has been perfected.

B. He wrote

1. The book "How To Be Saved Eternally!"
2. To all who will obey Him.


A. Have You Come To The Perfect High Priest.

1. To offer up your gifts to God?

2. To offer up the perfect sacrifice for your sins?

B. Come To Jesus, He Will Save You!