
A.      Has Anyone Ever Claimed You Were Acting Like A Baby?

B.      Have You Ever Tested Yourself Spiritually?

Body:         Hebrews 5: 12 - 14

I.       By This Time.

A.      Should be teachers.

1.       How long does it take to be ready to teach?
2.       Who is unable to teach?

B.      Need to be taught again.

1.       Have they forgotten the first principles?
2.       Are heretical ideas the result of improper training?

C.      Reverting back.

1.       They began solid food, but were unable to continue?
2.       Did distractions impose?

II.      A Babe.

A.      Milk only = unskilled.

1.       How does someone become skilled?
2.       Skill requires study and effort.
3.       Skill requires learning from success and mistakes.

B.      Acting like a baby?

1.       They are no longer growing.
2.       They have returned to childishness.

III.    Of Full Age.

A.      Able to handle solid food.

B.      Exercised senses.

1.       Have been engaged in growing and learning.
2.       Have used and trained their judgment.

C.      Able to discern.

1.       Knows the difference between good and evil.
2.       Able to determine what is right and what is wrong.


A.      Are You Acting Like A Baby?

1.      Unable to teach when you ought to be?

2.      Needing to be taught again?

3.      Unable to handle difficult studies?

4.      Unable to tell the difference between right and wrong?

B.      Is It Time For You To Grow Up?