
A. The Parables.

1. Short stories.

2. Everyday examples.

3. Important message illustrated.

B. Aid To Understanding The Kingdom Of God.

Body: Luke 13: 18, 19

I. The Kingdom Of God.

A. God's Realm of Dominion.

1. The whole world belongs to Him.
2. Those who are subject to Him are under His rule.
3. It includes His people before and after Christ's coming.

B. The Church.

1. It is made up of His people.
2. We have placed ourselves under His rule.

II. The Mustard Seed.

A. The Parable.

1. Man takes a mustard seed.
2. Man plants it in His garden.
3. Something small produces something large.
4. Provides food and shelter.

B. The Message.

1. The kingdom is given by God.
2. The planting of the smallest amount produces greatly.
3. The kingdom grows without need for help.
4. The kingdom provides sustenance and protection.


A. We Are His People.

1. We have placed ourselves in subjection to Him.

2. We have been placed into His Kingdom.

3. We are to obey His authority and commands.

B. Is This A True Statement For You?