
A. If Jesus Were Going To Come To Your House...

1. How would you prepare?

2. Would you feel obligated to change some things?

3. Would you be happy or worried?

B. What If Jesus Showed Up Unannounced?

Body: Luke 19: 1 - 10

I. A Man Named Zacchaeus.

A. Jesus arrives at Jericho.

B. Zacchaeus desires to see Jesus.

1. He is the chief tax collector (management).
2. He was rich.
3. He was short.
4. He did not let anything get in the way of seeing Jesus.

II. Lunch With Jesus'.

A. Jesus stops below the sycamore tree.

B. Encourages him to hurry up.

C. He is going to eat at his house.

1. An uninvited guest.
2. Being rich would have had plenty extra (only Jesus or disciples as well?).

III. The Crowd's Response.

A. A bunch of complainers.

B. Jesus eating with "chief sinner."

IV. Response Of A Believer.

A. Makes a public announcement of change.

1. Giving half of possessions to poor.
2. Restoring ill-gained possessions +.

B. Jesus' proclamation.

1. Salvation has come - saved from sin and sinful living.
2. Zacchaeus a child of Abraham.
3. Jesus has accomplished purpose..


A. If Jesus Were To Visit?

1. Would it change your life?

2. Would you still be the same?

B. Has Jesus Visited With You?