
A. Our Self Righteous Attitude And Bible Stories.

1. Israelites complained about manna - we complain about leftovers.

2. Israelites could not take the Promised Land - we cannot take our city.

B. We Must Understand & Apply Meaning To Our Life.

Body: Luke 8: 22 - 25

I. A Windstorm.

A. "On a certain day" but occurred as it was getting dark (Mark 4).

B. A fierce storm arises.

1. Large waves are hitting the boat (Mark 4).
2. The boat is filling with water.
3. Seasoned fisherman are frightened (Peter, Andrew, James and John had been fishermen on this sea!).

II. Their Reaction.

A. Do all that they can.

1. Rowing into the waves?
2. Bailing out water?
3. Throwing out extra weight?

B. Go to Jesus when no hope. Why then?

1. Did they think extra help would save them?
2. Did they want Him to know death was imminent?
3. Did they want Him to ask God for special help?

III. A Lack Of Faith.

A. In what way did they show a lack of faith?

1. Did they not work hard enough?
2. Did they not have enough desire for heaven?
3. Did they trust God's power?

B. What does faith have to do with survival of a storm?

IV. Proof Of Lordship.

A. A deadly storm (tornado, hurricane, etc.) obeys Him!

B. They are stunned and shamed!


A. Who Do We Really Rely Upon And Trust?

B. Why Are We Afraid Of The Storms Of Life?