
A. How Do We Show Appreciation?

1. Through letters, calls, words, etc.

2. By doing something special.

3. By providing a "memorial" to the one/s appreciated.

B. How Much Do We Appreciate God?

Body: Romans 3: 21 - 26

I. The Righteousness Of God.

A. Has now been revealed.

B. Separated from the law.

1. The law was given to Israel only.
a. Israel, with the law, was still sinful.
b. Gentiles without the law were sinful.
2. This righteousness was not dependent upon keeping the law.

C. It comes through faith in Jesus.

1. We fix our faith on Jesus and His works.
2. Our faith is accounted to us for righteousness.

II. No Difference.

A. God's righteousness is available to all.

B. All have sinned.

1. Israel sinned against God under the law.
2. Gentiles sinned against God without the law.

C. All are in need of God's righteousness.

III. Christ Our Redemption.

A. God is Just!

1. He requires punishment for sin.
2. The just penalty for sin is death (Romans 6: 23).

B. God is our Justifier!

1. Freely by His grace.
2. Jesus is our atoning sacrifice (propitiation).
3. God has endured our sinfulness.

C. How Is God Righteous?

1. He is just = requiring sin to be punished.
2. He is our justifier = providing the atoning sacrifice for sin.


A. God Has Taken Care Of Everything!

B. There Is Nothing We Could Do To Match What He Has Done!

C. A Living Memorial Is Only Fitting (Romans 12:1, 2)!