
A. Have You Ever Owed Someone For Something?

B. Has Someone Ever Paid A Debt You Did Not Know About?

C. Have You Ever Had A Debt Paid Off You Were Glad To Finally Be Freed From?

Body: Romans 8: 12 - 17

I. We Are Debtors.

A. What has the flesh ever done for us?

B. God has freed us from sin.

1. "The greatest freedom of all is freedom from sin."
2. Christ freed us from the tangled up mess we were in.

C. God has given us the help of the Spirit.

1. The Spirit of God helps us to overcome fleshly desires.
2. The Spirit of God helps us to overcome corruption.
3. The Spirit of God helps us to ask for the right help.

II. We Are Sons.

A. Sons of God are led by the Spirit.

B. We have not traded bondage for bondage.

1. We are not being held against our will.
2. We are not being forced to fear.

C. We have been adopted - God is our Father!

III. We Are Heirs.

A. Having been adopted we are now family.

B. Being children, we are now heirs of God.

C. We are joint heirs with Christ.

1. He deserves to inherit all of God's "belongings."
2. He came to seek us, free us, and bring us into the family.
3. He desires to share His inheritance with us.


A. What God Has Done Through Jesus.

1. He has paid the debt we could not pay.

2. He has brought us into the family.

3. He has put us into His will.

B. How Have You Shown Your Gratitude?