
A. Are You Somebody Special?

1. You have made a name for yourself.

2. You would be deeply missed when you are gone.

3. You are needed?

B. Do You Act Like Someone Who Is Special?

Body: Titus 2: 11 - 15

I. The Teaching Of Grace.

A. We have received salvation because of the grace of God.

B. We are to deny (disavow, reject, refuse) ungodliness (wickedness) and worldly lusts (corrupt desires).

C. We are to live…

1. Soberly (with sound mind, moderately).
2. Righteously (equitably and justly).
3. Godly (piously, like God).

D. We are to keep looking for Christ’s coming.

II. The Work Of Christ.

A. He gave Himself for us.

B. He redeemed us from lawless deeds.

C. He purified us.

D. We desires us to be zealous for good works.

III. Keep Speaking.

A. Continue to remind of these things.

B. Exhort (implore, call for, pray).

C. Rebuke (convict, convince, tell a fault).

D. Let no one look down on you.


A. If You Are A Christian…

1. You are someone special.
2. You must act like someone who is special to God.
3. You must remember that Christ died to make you special.
4. You must tell others of God’s grace and how to live.

B. Have You Been Acting Like "His Own Special People?"