
A. We Draw Toward The End Of Another Year.

1. Look back at what has happened.

2. Look forward to what might be.

B. Children Of Israel At Edge Of Promised Land.

1. Moses addresses the people.

2. Tries to prepare them to serve God.

Body: Deuteronomy 30: 11 - 20

I. God’s Word Is Near (11 - 14).

A. Not a mystery or something hidden.

B. Not kept up in heaven.

C. Not across the sea.

D. It is right here with us.

II. Choose Your Destiny (15 - 18).

A. God's Way -- Life and Good.

1. Love the Lord Your God.
2. Walk in His ways.
3. Keep His commandments, statutes and judgments.
4. You will live and multiply.
5. God will bless you.

B. A Hardened Heart -- Death and Evil.

1. Do not hear God.
2. Drawn away from Him.
3. Worship and serve other gods.

III. Make Your Commitment (19, 20).

A. Must choose to accomplish.

B. Must choose to receive.


A. Choose Who You Will Serve.

1. Are you worshiping and serving God?

2. Are you really serving self, money, possessions, relationships, etc.

B. Is The Love of God In Your Heart?

C. Are You Walking In His Ways?

D. Are You Obeying Him?