
A. It Is Difficult, At Times, To Apply Bible Teachings.

1. Because of difference from worldly ways.

2. Because of difficulty in understanding how to apply.

3. Because of our own selfish beliefs.

B. Will It Take A Great Fish For You?

Body: Jonah 1: 1 - 4

I. He Ran Away From The Lord (Chapter 1).

A. Told to preach to Ninevah.

B. Knew God was merciful and kind (4: 2).

C. Ran from the task given to him.

D. Swallowed by a great fish (Genesis 1: 26).

II. He Returned To The Lord (Chapter 2).

A. Given time to think about life.

B. Forced him to pray to God.

III. He Went With The Lord (Chapter 3).

A. Commissioned once again to preach the Word.

B. Preaches repentance to Ninevah.

C. They repent.

D. God relents.

IV. He Was Taught By The Lord (Chapter 4).

A. Jonah is angry because over 120,000 (v. 11) are saved.

B. God's natural illustration.

C. What is more important?


A. Jonah's Problem.

1. He hated the Ninevites.

2. God sent him to preach repentance to the Ninevites.

3. He wanted them to be destroyed.

B. Who Is Our Ninevah Today?

Gays, Terrorists, Abortionists, etc?