
A. What Is Our Current Love?

1. What do we spend the most time thinking about?

2. What is more important than anything else?

3. What are our dreams and visions full of?

B. Our First Love Should Be Our Current Love.

Body: Nehemiah 2: 1 - 6

I. Nehemiah's First Love.

A. An important person.

1. He was Cupbearer for the king.
2. Well taken care of, but high stress position.

B. A heart for his people.

1. Did not go back with first group to return.
2. Desired to know the condition of people and land.

II. A Heart To Rebuild.

A. It took planning (2: 6- 8).

1. He knew what needed to be done.
2. He knew how long he would be gone.
3. He knew what he needed to accomplish the task.

B. It took preparation (2: 11 - 16).

1. He scouted the wall himself.
2. He rallied the people.

C. It took work (4: 6).

1. We cannot just talk the talk and not walk the walk!
2. Being a Christian means going against the tide of the world.

D. It took patience (4: 7 - 9, 3).

1. They were opposed by those around.
2. They were ridiculed about their work.


A. What Is Our First Love?

1. Is it God, His people, and His kingdom?

2. Is it God and what we are able to get in this life?

3. Is it just whatever we are able to accomplish in life?

B. "Repent And Return To Your First Love..."