
A. Have You Ever Lost Something You Needed?

1. Look everywhere for it.

2. Eventually, find it out in the open!

B. Have You Ever Lost Something And Not Realized You Lost It?

Body: 2 Kings 22: 3 - 13

I. God's People Had Lost His Word!

A. It was in God's House.

1. The temple was in disrepair.
2. Idolatry was practiced everywhere, including the temple, for 60 years.
3. It was disregarded as unimportant.

B. It was opened and read.

1. Each one recognized it for what it was.
2. Each understood its importance.
3. Each heard with an open mind.

C. It had not been followed.

1. Blessings and cursings were contained.
2. The wrath of God was upon them.

II. Have We Lost God's Word?

A. What is the story of the Bible?

1. Can you tell it?
2. Have you passed it on to the next generation?

B. Is the Word of God in His temple today?

1. You are the temple of God (1 Corinthians 3: 16).
2. Is His temple pure and undefiled?
3. Is His Word visible and available in His temple?

C. Choice of two ways (Matthew 7: 13, 14).

1. The "Interstate" - many travel (go with the crowd).
2. The "Back, Country Road" - few find (may miss turn, have to go back, go slow).


A. Real Commitment To God.

1. To be pleasing and acceptable to Him.

2. To study and live as His Word declares.

B. Are You Found..........Or, Lost?