
A. A Celebration Of Independence.

1. July 4th is a remembrance of a struggle for freedom.

2. Celebrate our victorious release from servitude.

B. What Does It Mean To "Be Free?"

Body: Romans 6: 16 - 23

I. Free To Choose.

A. We are allowed a second chance to choose.

1. We will be obedient to something.
2. "If I knew then what I know now..."

B. We are given the chance to choose with understanding.

1. We have experienced to results of sinfulness.
2. We are told of further consequences and given examples.
3. We are told the final result.

II. Free To Bear Fruit.

A. Two Different Outcomes.

1. Uncleanness and lawlessness leading to death.
2. Righteousness and holiness leading to eternal life.

B. We choose the outcome we desire.

1. We can have it our way now and sacrifice later.
2. We can make sacrifices now and really enjoy later.

III. Free To Serve.

A. It is our choice.

B. We will serve...but, who will it be?

C. Illustration of Gravity.

1. On top of a building.
2. Told to not jump.
3. Can obey command or obey gravity.


A. You Are Free To Choose!

1. Do you choose to serve God which leads to eternal life?

2. Do you choose to be a slave of sinfulness which leads to death?

3. Matthew 6: 24 = "No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.

B. What Is Your Choice?